Milt was born in 1968, and so was Dave. Your dutiful time-travelers visit the charts on the week just after Milt arrived and just before Dave made his appearance. Was he Born to be the Chartmeister? Why was there a hit song …
WHAT? Did the Beatles really hold every one of the top 5 spots on the Billboard charts? Yeah, yeah, YEAH. 'Get Back to the Beatles' hosts Cha-Chi Loprete and David Gallant join the show to break down this historic week in mu…
Milt and Dave cruise back to 1965 for a stunningly awesome top 10 from the week ending September 4, 1965, including the Godfather of Soul, Sonny Bono and his babe; and just maybe a British Invasion.
Milt and Dave travel back to 1966 for a remarkable top 10 including Rascals, Supremes, Stones and more. And we welcome legendary DJ Jimmy Fink to the countdown!